Family Law - Divorce and Adoption
Family law is one area that Attorney John Nelson is very passionate about. As a father of five and having gone through divorce
he understands how hard the emotional aspects of divorce are. At the same time his empathetic approach will help you navigate
one of the most trying times in your life.
Calling a divorce attorney is hard. In fact, just calling an attorney is hard. The decision on whether to get divorced is tangled
up with kids, pets, cars, house, and stuff. How does it get split up? Who will see the kids and when. New Smyrna and Port Orange
Divorce Attorney John Nelson can have frank conversations with you from first-hand experience.
One area of adoption that has personally intrigued me is working within families where a child may not be able
to care for their own children due to death, drugs, or incarceration. In otherwords "grandparent adoption" or
"close family member adoption".